The Erie Day of Code is back for year five! We're bringing in summer with Erie's biggest tech event of the year. Nearly 200 developers gather annually to discuss software development, devops, product management, programming languages, and more.

This is our fifth year, so we're determined to make this our best. Join us on June 28, 2019 for an incredible lineup of speakers, many laughs and discussions, and great times with the community.

Speaker announcements and more information coming soon! Trust us to put on another excellent event, and save money by buying our Blind Bird tickets above - there is a limited quantity available.

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8:00am - 8:50am


8:50am - 9:00am

Opening Statements

9:00am - 9:45am
Kim maida

Kim Maida

Reactive JavaScript with RxJS

What is reactive programming? How does it work and how can it help us build better JavaScript web applications? Let's dig into reactive programming core concepts and learn how to use RxJS to implement reactivity in JavaScript. We'll see how to use observable streams to respond to events over time, as well as explore how to manage application state reactively.
9:45am - 10:15am
Caleb porzio

Caleb Porzio

How to Write Less JavaScript

Developers are increasingly adopting tools like React, Vue, and Angular to develop their front-ends. These tools are powerful alternatives to the dark days of jQuery, however, they are orders of magnitude more complex. Companies like GitHub and Basecamp are speaking out against this complexity. They are utilizing tools and techniques that leverage server-side technologies while delivering smooth UIs that feel like SPAs. In this talk, we’ll explore some compelling strategies to deliver more value and write less JavaScript!
10:30am - 11:00am
Michael mollick

Michael Mollick

On the Internet, Nobody Knows You're Not A Canadian on Holiday in Morocco

Chargebacks are an unavoidable burden for anyone accepting credit card payments online. Not only are chargebacks costly, but left unchecked you'll find yourself without a way to accept payments. What's the source of these chargebacks? Unsatisfied customers? Credit card fraud? And who's this Canadian spending thousands of dollars from Morocco? In this talk, I'll share real-world experiences combating chargebacks and credit card fraud in a SaaS application. One of the more mystifying and unexpected pain points of running an online business is a "chargeback." Unless you've previously dealt with them, you may not even know what they are. That was the case I found myself in when co-founding a SaaS platform. This talk leverages our experiences to inform entrepreneurs and developers on how to respond and mitigate chargebacks. I'll include how we identified patterns (like our Canadian friend who seems to be on a spending spree in Morocco), implemented a workflow and adopted tools to help reduce the burden of chargebacks.
11:15am - 12:00pm
Caryn farvour

Caryn Farvour

Practical UX

Practical UX tips for the discerning developer When you hear the term UX, do you think of magic? Do UX team members scare you with all their fancy words and mysterious doodles? With insights and advice from six leading UX professionals including a product strategist, a usability expert, and several successful authors, we’ll be breaking down practical techniques you can do every day to improve your understanding and use of UX principles. You’ll be shown the secret lair of the fabled UX Unicorn. Everything from how simple it all really is when you break it down, the essential rule set we follow, easy tools for getting started, UX tips specific to developing software, the secrets to the UX state of mind, and even how our esteemed UX colleagues pronounce .gif! You’ll walk away with a solid understanding of the principles of UX and a fresh perspective on how to collaborate with the creative people on your team.
12:00pm - 1:15pm


1:15pm - 2:15pm

Lightning Talks

Do you have something you want to teach or an awesome project to show off? Come early and be one of 5 people to sign up to give a lightning talk!
2:30pm - 3:00pm
David baltusavich

David Baltusavich

IoT Sensing in the Real World

As IoT devices and platforms proliferate, the challenging reality of sensor technology and the nature of physical systems become the bottleneck to getting a product into the market. Over the past two years SynaTree has worked with local Industrial Tech company PSNergy to develop a real-time IoT system for industrial use, and we've learned a lot along the way. This talk will share some of the insight we've gained into how to build a system from the ground up, and some of the ways in which we've failed. We'll also discuss which technologies have worked the best for us, in detail.
3:15pm - 3:45pm
Joel lord

Joel Lord

Choose Your Own Talk: The Mystery Of Identity City

You thought security and identity management was boring? In this "Choose Your Own Adventure" style talk, the attendees are in control of the talk. By using a simple web application, the attendees will be able to decide how deep they want to go on topics like OAuth, OpenID Connect and JWTs. Want to see the examples in Python? How about JavaScript? Cast in your vote to pick the language you want to see. Will this talk focus more on front-end or back-end? Attend the talk to decide which one you want to see in this unique presentation. By the end of this talk, the attendees will understand how to use JWTs with OAuth and OIDC to build more secure applications.
4:00pm - 4:45pm
Guy royse

Guy Royse

Intro to Web Assembly

Want to write a web application? Better get familiar with JavaScript! JavaScript has long been the king of front-end. While there have been various attempts to dethrone it, they have typically involved treating JavaScript as an assembly-language analog that you transpile your code to. This has lead to complex build pipelines that result in JavaScript which the browser has to parse and you still have to debug. But what if there were an actual byte-code language you could compile your non-JavaScript code to instead? That is what WebAssembly is. I'm going to explain how WebAssembly works and how to use it in this talk. I'll cover what it is, how it fits into your application, and how to build and use your own WebAssembly modules. And, I'll demo how to build and use those modules with both Rust and the WebAssembly Text Format. That's right, I'll be live coding in an assembly language. I'll also go over some online resources for other languages and tools that make use of WebAssembly. When we're done, you'll have the footing you need to start building applications featuring WebAssembly. So grab a non-JavaScript language, a modern browser, and let's and get started!

Closing Remarks

5:00pm - 8:30pm

After Party at VNET!

Come join us at the new Velocity Net office at 121 W 10th St, Erie, PA 16501. Enjoy Cali's West catering courtesy of our Platinum sponsor! VNET staff will be giving tours, have VR stations setup, and more. There will be plenty of space to chat with your new connections made throughout the day. Parking information will be sent out via email soon.


Kim Maida

Kim Maida

Reactive JavaScript with RxJS

Google Developer Expert and Manager of Community & Technical Content at Auth0. Passionate about identity, authentication, constant learning, mentoring engineers, and the JavaScript community.

Caleb Porzio

Caleb Porzio

How to Write Less JavaScript

Caleb is a web developer, speaker, and podcaster who’s super duper passionate about resisting complexity and delivering more value.

Michael Mollick

Michael Mollick

On the Internet, Nobody Knows You're Not A Canadian on Holiday in Morocco

Michael is the lead developer and co-founder of NeverBounce. He’s a former art student turned software engineer, now building SaaS platforms and contributing to the open source community.

Caryn Farvour

Caryn Farvour

Practical UX

Caryn is one of those fabled UX Engineers (or whatever we’re calling it these days) at Vehikl. She is a designer who codes, an advocate of practical UX, and the organizer of Dev London in London, Ontario.

David Baltusavich

David Baltusavich

IoT Sensing in the Real World

David is an entrepreneur, technologist, and software architect currently focused on IoT and IIoT platform development.

Joel Lord

Joel Lord

Choose Your Own Talk: The Mystery Of Identity City

Technical Evangelist at RedHat. Auth0 Ambassador. He is passionate about web and technology, learning new things, and sharing his discoveries. He does so by travelling at various conferences all across the globe.

Guy Royse

Guy Royse

Intro to Web Assembly

Work. Life. Code. Game. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. — Developer Evangelist at DataRobot . Husband and father of three. Geek. Graybeard. Gamemaster.


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